selects JENdA as the best African Feminist journal in Women's Studies
and Social Sciences
journal was recently selected by The New York Public Library as the
Best of Web for Social Sciences and Women's Studies by its librarians
in 2011. JENdA was the only African Feminist and African Women's Studies
journal to be included. Click here.
selects JENdA as the best Educational Web Resource
journal, despite the belligerent tone that characterises many of its
articles (2001-04), especially the editorial comments, maintains a high
standard of critical rigour on its chosen topics. The site, with its
supply of links to other sites on African topics, is therefore a useful
resource for researchers on African culture and cultural theory generally."
To read the full review, go to Intute.
Wins 2002 ICAAP Award for Excellence in Electronic Publication
Award for Excellence in Electronic Publication (IAEEP) is given out
once every year to the electronic journal that is deemed most successful
in advancing the art and science of electronic publication.
Scout Report selects JENdA as
a new promising journal for research and education,
A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies
has been selected as a Scout
Report by the Internet Scout Project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
in their March 2, 2001 issue.
by Africa Resource Center and directed by an all-African women team
of co-editors, this new ejournal represents in part an effort to occupy
and redefine the space of African Women's studies, a space initially
defined by white female scholars. Judging by the inaugural issue,
Jenda holds great promise, offering a large selection of interesting
and engaging essays and other content, much more than comparable print
or online journals. In addition, the left-hand side of the journal
page contains a fairly deep Africa-focused bibliography, organized
by topic. The main Africa Resource Center site offers a wealth of
Africa resources, including several additional ejournals, databases,
bibliographies, an online art gallery, and more." -- Michael
de Nie, Director of Scout Report, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Click here.

Women on Okada,
© Azuka
Resource Center, Inc.,
is pleased to publish Jenda: A Journal of Culture and African
Women Studies, a peer reviewed ejournal devoted to the promotion
of the research and scholarship of African women to the global
African community and friends of Africa. JENdA documents and responds
to debates on women's history and studies in African social, cultural,
political, and economic systems. It creates a forum for African
women scholars, analysts and activists to participate on an equal
footing with their contemporaries worldwide in debates, exchanges
of ideas, and the creation and documentation of knowledge.
educational purposes this site may be linked to others on the
WWW. Commercial use of any material contained on these web pages
is strictly prohibited. Everything published here is the property
of Africa Resource Center, Inc. Every effort has been made to
ensure compliance with requirements of copyright clearance and
appropriate credits. Please bring any omission to our attention.
further information email comments and queries, email the Managing
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